The reality is, that the world doesn’t owe me anything. It doesn’t owe you anything. But, here’s the catch, once you stop waiting around to be discovered and you put in the effort to do your best, at whatever it is you are good at, the universe will conspire to help you.
It’s funny how when you attempt to make a change, other people will cross your path seemingly by accident or coincidence that can help you reach the next step in your development or journey. This doesn’t happen by accident. It happens because it needs to happen.
So, while you’re waiting around complaining that people aren’t giving you a break, or that you aren’t getting noticed at work or in your industry, step back and think about what you are doing to change that.
It’s critical to make your intention known. Do others know what your goals are? When you meet someone, do you tell them what you’re working on? They could end up being a huge support, or they could know someone who might be a valuable resource for you.
You need to “make” people discover you. They aren’t looking for you on purpose. There are people that want what you have to offer, but you need to figure out a way to get in front of them.
If you’re a writer and the rejection letters from agents and publishers are piling up higher than the snow during a Polar Vortex, do you let that stop you? No, you self-publish your work. You give it life beyond a file folder on your computer. If you’re a musician with dreams of playing huge arenas, you start playing small clubs or coffee houses. You put your songs on iTunes. You don’t wait for permission to do it, you do it.
Do you meet with others who are doing what you want to do? Do you belong to groups in your industry or profession? It’s important to be around others who share the same vision that you do and know what it’s like to go through what you’re going through. Not only do you learn a lot, but they inspire you as well. You may even inspire someone yourself. Think about that!
Magical things will happen when you put yourself out there. You’re rewarded for sticking your neck out there. When you do that, the universe knows that you are serious about your goals and that’s when the universe sets things in motion to help you.
Armed with knowledge, passion, and energy there’s nothing that will hold you back. So, what are you waiting for?
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