Archives for January 2015

Innovators Think Completely Differently

Innovators Think Completely Differently

Innovators think completely differently. I read a story about two doctors at the Texas Heart Institute who saved a man’s life by completely removing his heart and replacing it with a pump they devised. The man has no heartbeat and no pulse. The pump sends blood through the body with a constant flow, like a garden hose. Read more about this amazing story and watch the incredible video.

This story shows that to make giant leaps of progress you need to totally look at the problem completely differently. Instead of looking at ways to fix a damaged heart, the doctors looked at ways to take the heart out of the equation. All innovators think like this. They see the world differently and behave in ways that are contrary to so called normal constraints.
I took a drawing class in college in which the instructor had us draw an image from a photograph, but with an interesting twist. Before we began drawing the instructor had us turn the photograph upside down. It was a great lesson in looking at things differently. Upside down the photograph had shapes, shadows, and colors I didn’t see when looking at it right side up. I know my drawing turned out differently because of this exercise, and I would go so far as to say it was better than if I had drawn it using the photo right side up.
Our mind often sets about fixing problems before even fully realizing what the problem is. We assume we know what the issue is and we go to work on it. Instead, we should take a step back and try to study the problem more closely before trying to come up with a solution.
Is there something you are working on that needs a different way of looking at it? What if you look at it upside down? Inside out? Not look at it at all? The possibilities are almost endless.
Doesn’t that make the problem more fun to solve now? Let me know what you come up with. Here’s to innovation!

My 3 Words for 2015

My 3 Words for 2015Last year I started an exercise made famous by Chris Brogan – write down three words that will become the theme for the year. This replaces the traditional new year’s resolutions. I believe I had some good results with my three words for 2014, although the words took on different meanings throughout the year, which is absolutely fine. It was interesting to see how the words manifested themselves into the course of the year.

Here are my three words for 2015:

Treasure – I want to treasure the moments I have with family and friends. 2014 presented some challenges (my mom almost dying of pneumonia and losing my job). With those challenges behind me, I want to go forward appreciating the wonders of life. And in most ways I already have. 2014 taught me to realize that our time here is limited and I need to embrace the people I cherish while there’s time; while they are alive or while we are working together. Maybe I’ll have a lot of time with people, but as life teaches us, we don’t know. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
Map – In my new position as Marketing Director I am the only marketing person. There’s so much to do. I’ve been writing things down on a sort of mind map. It’s an interesting and complex chart of everything I want to accomplish with my marketing efforts. I need to remind myself, that when I get overwhelmed I need to look at my map. It will guide me in the right direction. I don’t need to second guess myself. At times it’s difficult because I’m used to being part of a larger team where I could ask my colleagues for help or advice. They’re still only a call, email, or text away, but I need to be strong enough to know that what I’ve charted is the way to go.
Replenish – 2014 wiped me out physically, mentally, and spiritually. I need to work on restoring my body function, my mental health, and my spirit. I need to think more consciously about what I’m doing. Does my action replenish me or does it drain me? I need to look for those people, places, and things that replenish me. I need to make time for them and incorporate them into my life. I need more “me” time in 2015. Maybe I’ll look at it in terms of sabbaticals for myself. Whether that’s some point during the day, or a designated amount of time somewhere.
What are your three words for 2015?
I’m interested to see how this plays out this year. Here’s to 2015!