My Favorite Books of 2020

My Favorite Books from 2020

I’m a life-long learner and I’m always looking to feed my curiosity. For a living I’m a digital marketing manager, so you’ll find a few marketing related books on the list, but my interests are vast so there’s other topics also.  

I’m drawn to stories on music, human potential, achieving greatest, innovation and creativity. I think this list covers these topics admirably. I found them full of inspiration and I’m positive you will as well. 

My favorite books of 2020: 

The Moment of Lift (How Empowering Women Changes the World) by Melinda Gates

Kindness and Wonder (Why Mister Rogers Matters Now More Than Ever) by Gavin Edwards

Think Like a Rocket Scientist (Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life) by Ozan Varol

An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth (What Going to Space Taught Me about Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for Anything) by Col. Chris Hadfield

How to Decide (Simple Tools for Making Better Choices) by Annie Duke

Content Chemistry (The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing) by Andy Crestodina

The Content Fuel Framework (How to Generate Unlimited Story Ideas) by Melanie Deziel

Dreaming the Beatles (The Love Story of One Band and the Whole World) by Rob Sheffield 

What did you read in 2020 that inspired you? What do you plan to read this year? 

My Favorite Books of 2019

My favorite books of 2019, showing book covers

I read some truly inspirational and eye-opening books this year. Without further ado, here is this year’s list of my favorites books of 2019.   

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts by Annie Duke – Duke is the first woman to win the World Series of Poker and she shares insights on how to make decisions when you don’t have all the cards on the table, which translates for the rest of us to making decisions when you don’t have all the information you need. As someone who over-thinks and over-analyzes many decisions this book resonated with me deeply. It’s changed my mindset in how I approach certain situations. When a book does that, it’s something special. I’ve even successfully used her techniques while playing the occasional night of poker with my friends. This is a must read, especially if you want to learn to approach making decisions more quickly, without second guessing yourself and with more accuracy in the outcome.   

Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad by Austin Kleon – I’ve read Kleon’s other books, Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work, with delight and this is another gem. His insights, along with thoughts from other artists, provide inspiration to keep producing work that excites you and gets you out of bed in the morning, when it seems like you’re doing the same thing over and over, like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. It’s a fun read and made me appreciate the joy of the creative process and not get too focused on the outcomes. You will enjoy this book as much as I did.     

Beat the Bots: How Your Humanity Can Future-Proof Your Tech Sales Career by Anita Nielsen – This book calls itself a sales book for tech sales professionals, but it’s much more than that. This book is for everybody who deals with other people in their work – essentially, everybody. Nielsen approaches sales, not as a transaction that takes place, but a thought process that transforms your relationship with your client. Instead of thinking B2B, she has you think in terms of H2H – human to human. Her insights are powerful. She writes in a personal way that makes you feel like she’s right there with you one-on-one in a coaching session. She’s in your corner and her care for you as a sales professional shines through. It’s easy to see why she’s one of the most sought after consultants around. This book is highly recommended.  

When Nobody Was Watching: My Hard-Fought Journey to the Top of the Soccer World by Carli Lloyd with Wayne Coffey – I’ll start by saying I’m not a soccer fan and I know Lloyd’s name by watching the Olympics, so I can say that I’m only vaguely familiar with her career. I’ve never read a book by an athlete that showed so much mental toughness like this book did. The sacrifices that Lloyd made to become an elite athlete and her struggles to maintain her position on the team are astounding. She takes you through the grueling long hours of practice, the exhausting physical training program, the loss of a social life that all athletes at this level sacrifice to “make it”, and details the moments in important matches in her career, but there’s more to her story that got to me. It was the constant need to prove herself, not only year to year, but match to match. It was exhausting just reading about it and I thought to myself many times, “How much can one person take?” Thankfully, she had a personal coach who believed in her. He pushed her when she needed a kick in the butt and comforted her when she needed someone to vent with. We could all use a coach like that in our life. I realized this book is a perfect fit for those working in a corporate environment, which isn’t always warm and welcoming. There’s a lot to be learned from someone who ended up being a two-time Olympic gold medalist, two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup champion, two-time FIFA Player of the Year, and a three-time Olympian for the United States Women’s Soccer Team.      

The LeRoy Butler Story by LeRoy Butler and James J. Keller – I loved watching Butler play with the Green Bay Packers during the 90’s. He was part of some great teams, including the team that won Super Bowl XXXI. I also enjoy listening to him as part of “The Big Show” on 105.7 FM the Fan in Milwaukee. He brings a unique perspective and his insights are eye-opening, not to mention his amazing sense of humor. I knew a little about Butler, but not the full picture. For him to make it out of a rough neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida, where he saw kids his own age get killed, his physical ailment that forced him to wear leg braces while he healed, to become a high school, college and NFL football great is remarkable. Butler proves that you can achieve great success, no matter where you come from and that you can do it with humility and a great appreciation for all those who helped you along the way. 

What were your favorites books this year? What are you looking forward to reading in 2020? Happy reading! 

My Favorite Books of 2017

My Favorite Books of 2017I found myself in the company of some wonderful books in 2017. Some I had previous experience with the authors’ work and was interested in reading something new, others were recommendations, one was a gift, while others I discovered on my own. No matter how these books found their way into my life, I’m glad they did. I’m a better person for having read them.

Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant – I loved Grant’s book Give and Take, which was one of my favorite books in 2013. This is another thought provoking piece of work. Grant breaks many myths about success along the way.
Some key findings are innovators who are risk averse have better success than those who put all their eggs in one basket. They don’t quit their jobs until they know what they’re doing is working. He also talks about making sure your company culture doesn’t prohibit speaking out and questioning long held beliefs. In this case, it’s often valuable to have people with various backgrounds participate in projects from the beginning when the chance to make changes is least costly.
Another interesting fact is that innovators who are open to more experiences end up with more novel ideas. Those who moved frequently, mostly in foreign countries, had more experience to draw upon when creating. Their creations end up being ground breaking because they are pulling experiences from multiple cultures. Also, those who have an artistic hobby were more likely to win Nobel Prizes. Having an outside artistic pursuit allows the person to see things differently. This artistic pursuit also allows the person to take time away from a project with the ideas percolating in their head, giving them the distance from their endeavor and giving them time to think about it. This is similar to what was written about in The Pause Principle, which was on my list from last year.
Innovators succeed because of the sheer volume of ideas generated. They crank out enough work that they are constantly tweaking things and finding better solutions. It stands to reason that they have more failures and that they are able to pinpoint what didn’t work or what could work with slight changes. A non-traditional look at innovators and well worth reading.
Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock’ N’ Roll by Robert Rodriguez – The Beatles have been one of the biggest influences in my life. I’ve read dozens of books about them over the years. This book is different than anything I’ve read. It’s about their album Revolver. Rodriguez brilliantly lays out the book in three parts. He sets up what was going on on, not only in the Beatles’ lives, but in popular music and the world at the time, the origin and process of writing and recording the songs, and the aftermath of the album, including its reception and its place in music history.
You get a feel for where the Beatles were coming from and what the mindset was heading into this album. Rodriguez describes Revolver as the last true Beatles album in that they never collaborated at this level again. With the Beatles focusing on their work in the studio they gave of themselves completely. No matter who had the best idea, that idea won. Who ever had an idea for a part, they would play it. For example, the guitar solo on George Harrison’s song Taxman is played by Paul McCartney, though Harrison generally played the lead guitar parts.
With each new album the Beatles became more experimental and it’s clearly evident on Revolver. Also new in the studio was engineer Geoff Emerick. He helped the Beatles get the sounds they wanted and wasn’t afraid to go against EMI’s (Abbey Road studios) imposed limitations on how to use the recording equipment. With producer, George Martin, they created one of the most revolutionary albums in rock and roll. It’s interesting to point out that when the Beatles went on their last tour in the summer of 1966 as the album was released, they didn’t play any songs from the album. The author makes a case that if it wasn’t for John Lennon’s remarks about being bigger than Jesus, which took coverage away from the album, Revolver and not Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band would be regarded as the most important album in rock and roll history. And he may be right. This is important reading for any Beatles or music fan.
The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery by Sarah Lewis – I’ve read many books on creativity but nothing quite as fresh and unique as what Lewis offers up. It’s a beautiful piece of work; a work of art in a way. When we think of creativity and innovation we think of writers, poets, painters, dancers, and musicians. Lewis expands that view to include practically everyone. She shares stories from who we consider typical artists, but also talks about, and with, inventors, athletes, explorers, educators and more.
Lewis writes about approaches to creativity from a different perspective. She talks about Ben Saunders, an Arctic explorer, who has hiked to both the north and south poles by himself. A feat that has killed many who have attempted it. Artists don’t endure the physical demands that Saunders does in Arctic conditions, but he shares a similar mindset. When faced with the wind, temperature (a constant -30 degrees Celsius), and the pain of the journey he gives in to a feeling of surrender. Surrender, not as giving up, but as giving in. This allows you to “convert your energy and operate at full force.” This is more along the lines of Neitzsche’s amor fati, to love your fate or in the martial art, aikido, the use of nonresistance. When we stop resisting something, we stop giving it power.
Another section is about being a deliberate amateur. This can be thought of not as a not knowing or lacking experience, but demonstrating a willingness to strive, to seek, to find, almost in a play-like state. One example, she discusses the story of Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, physicists who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. They began holding “Friday Night Experiments” in their lab which were ideas that were so crazy, that they probably wouldn’t work, but if they did it would be surprising. The safe space of their lab allowed them to run experiments they wouldn’t otherwise attempt.One of these experiments lead to their Nobel Prize win.
This was an eye-opening book that’s made me look at my work differently. There are many more ideas presented other than the two I’ve covered. If you’re interested in creating and innovating pick up a copy of The Rise. You’ll be glad you did. I’ve incorporated many ideas from this book into my own life since reading it. I’ve adopted surrender as my new goal and it’s changed me. If you only read one book from this list, this would be my recommendation.
Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer – I knew this book was going to be different based on the name of the first chapter – “Bob Dylan’s Brain.” This book did not disappoint. I’ve read many books on creativity and they follow a similar line. This one veered off the path and made a new trail! In that first chapter Lehrer shows the breakthrough Dylan had once he gave up music, went to Woodstock and started to write songs, but only in a style that he never did before. Once convention was out of the picture, music poured out of him. He wrote and went with the flow of where the songs were going. What he come up with was completely different – “Like a Rolling Stone” which was the debut single from Highway 61 Revisited.
The chapter entitled “Letting Go” was one of my favorites. In it, the author talks to Yo-Yo Ma about his approach to music. Ma said he looks forward to making the first mistake so he can enjoy the rest of the piece and perform. He also looks over a score to find out the story that’s being told by the composer and then imparts himself and his heart where needed and forgets the technical aspects and just plays. In a part about improv, looking at Second City, Lehrer talks about getting to a level where comedy seems easy and natural. It isn’t. Joshua Funk, the artistic director says, “it takes years of work before you can get good at improv. It’s like music that way. You can’t just pick up a sax and expect to be Coltrane. You have to work at not giving a fuck.”
Another fascinating topic was about the power of Q. Q measures the density of connections of people working in groups. It’s a degree of social intimacy. The ideal Q reading was a group not too big and not too small with most people comfortable working with each other who had previous history with a small number of newbies to keep things fresh. This measure was developed after looking at Broadway musicals and looking at the financial and critical successes versus those that flopped. The same structure is in place at Pixar and it helps to understand the unique culture and success.
Interestingly, the larger and more populated cities become, the more productive its citizens become. This may stem from people having a large number of weak ties. Though the internet brings people together. It’s people connecting with people face-to-face that leads to more cross-polanization and innovation. It’s a fresh look at creativity and worth reading. My second favorite book of the year.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – How We can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential by Carol  S. Dweck, PhD. –  I’ve been reading so many other books that referenced Dweck’s work that I had to go back to the original source. She talks about what success is and how it’s really achieved. It’s not what we were taught growing up. It’s not about being smart, it’s about learning. It also reexamines what it means to fail and what lessons are learned from it.
This book covers success from all angles. There are sections on business success and how parents, coaches and teachers need to look at it to help children understand what it is.
Fixed-mindset people are those who think they are smart or talented to a certain level and nothing can change it. Having a growth mindset means you see the potential to improve. You find the areas of weakness and work on them and get better. Telling a child that they are smart and/or talented sends the wrong message and doesn’t lead them on a path to success. If they are told they will need to work hard to achieve their goals they will achieve more than those with raw talent.
This is a must have on any book shelf. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this. It can reshape how you think about success and how you approach life.
George Lucas: A Life by Brian Jay Jones – I had been an admirer of George Lucas’ work with American Graffiti, but mostly of the three original Star Wars movies, since I was a kid. When he re-worked the original movies my thoughts of him soured. I could understand cleaning up the special effects, but not changing content. To me, he altered, and damaged, the stories by doing so. Still, I was interested to read more about him.
Like so many of the people whose work we treasure, it was fascinating to see the person behind the films. He was making movies at an early age and flourished as a film maker while studying film at USC. I hadn’t realized that he was a nationally known film maker as a student – that’s how good he was.
From a business perspective, it’s invaluable to see how he dealt with the studios in making his movies. He’s an idealist and didn’t tolerate the studios dictating to him how to edit or change his movies. Because the studios didn’t believe in Star Wars he was able to keep the merchandising rights. He used funds from the merchandise to finance the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, so he didn’t have to change the movies at the discretion of the studios. He loathed the studios and this comes across clearly in the book. After Star Wars, movie guys were overtaken by business guys trying to get there hands on Hollywood hits. People who knew and loved movies were replaced by money counters, which is the system we have in place today.
Lucas also had his hand in changing the way we experience movies. His company, Lucasfilm, spun off Industrial Light and Magic, which is the premier special effects company in Hollywood. Also created was THX, which is the high fidelity sound most movies are shown in today. Movie theaters were set up with THX because Lucas wanted the audience at Return of the Jedi to experience the best possible sound quality and he didn’t think movie theaters were equipped to provide that. Pixar also took wings at Lucasfilm and was eventually spun off and sold to Steve Jobs. A well researched look into the life of George Lucas and a must read for even a casual fan of his work.
Milwaukee Braves: Heroes and Heartbreak by William Povletich – Growing up in Milwaukee, I had heard about the Braves, but didn’t know much of their history other than the World Series Championship in 1957, their near miss in 1958 and the team leaving for Atlanta after the 1965 season. The Boston Braves were a joke in the National League with the league’s worst record, but with the move to Milwaukee in 1953, the team finished in second place and the city fell in love with the Braves. They lead the Major Leagues in attendance for numerous seasons.
Povletich does a wonderful job of recreating what it was like like back then and retraces each season with the help of archival news clippings, photos and interviews with former Milwaukee Braves players. He recounts several important games from each season, especially games that happened in the heat of the pennant races. I felt that I was going through the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat as it was happening.
In 1956, the Braves had a one game advantage with three to play but lost two games and their chance to play in the World Series by one game. In 1957, the team was determined, having been so close the year before, and ended up advancing to the World Series where they beat the New York Yankees for the championship. The city celebrated their team as heroes. In 1958 they again advanced to the World Series and held a three game to one advantage over the Yankees, but the Yankees won the last three games and the World Series. In 1959, they lost a playoff with the Dodgers and missed their chance at another World Series. They were in the pennant race in 1960 but their best years were behind them and interest in the team started to wane.
Many players talked about how the team should have won multiple World Series Championships, but it wasn’t meant to be. The Milwaukee Braves played 13 seasons in Milwaukee and never had a losing record. Many teams used Milwaukee as a model and moved to new cities because of Milwaukee’s financial success. In the 50 years prior to the Braves moving from Boston to Milwaukee no other team in Major League Baseball had moved. In the 20 years after the move, 10 teams relocated, including the Dodges from Brooklyn to Los Angles, the Giants from New York to San Francisco and the St. Louis Browns who moved to Baltimore and became the Orioles. This was a wonderful look back at a different time and a different game.
Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff – An interesting look at how to accomplish more. One tip, cut your goals in half. Acuff writes that most people stop pursuing their goals the day after perfect.That’s hard to live up to and easy to stop. Cutting your goals in half is a psychological trick. In doing so, you actually end up surpassing your original goal. What’s been shown is that achieving a goal makes you want to keep going. Want to achieve great things? Cut your goal in half.
The most impactful part of the book for me was the chapter entitled “Leave Your Hiding Place and Ignore Noble Obstacles.” Hiding places are unproductive traps. It’s taking care of things that don’t need attention to avoid what really needs to be done. Noble obstacles are those pursuits that trouble perfectionists. It tells them that they can’t do X, until they do Y. It makes your goal harder to accomplish. The example Acuff uses in the book is about a man who wants to clean the garage. Instead of emptying the garage so it’s clean, he decides to have a garage sale so he can make some money. Then this simple task becomes a list of 16 things that need to be done in order to have the sale, like picking the day, advertising, pricing the items, labeling, holding the sale, etc. This simple one-step goal turned into a project, one that never gets done because that’s too much work.
Another suggestion is to avoid the word “until.” Not doing your goal until you figure something else out first. His example is about a woman who wants to start a blog, but worries she needs to meet with a copyright lawyer first to protect her content. She doesn’t start because if she does she’ll get too successful and people other than her will cash in on her work. This is something I’ve struggled with many times. When I wanted to start a blog I spent more time researching web hosts, themes for my website and what widgets and plugins I needed than I did writing. The best idea is to start and if you become successful worry about the consequences later.
If you’re the kind of person who starts projects but never finishes them, this is the perfect book to read in 2018. I’m excited to see what I finish in the year ahead. What are you looking forward to finishing?
Did any of these books make your list? What do you recommend? What are you looking forward to reading in 2018?

My Favorite Books of 2016

Favorite Books 2016

Books seem to find their way into my hands at exactly the right time. This year’s selections are a perfect example of that. It’s also fascinating how one book leads to others and how, after looking back at the books I read in 2016, a theme emerges. The eight books on this list had an impact on me and I hope you get a chance to read them, if you haven’t already.  Here are my favorite books of 2016:

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain – I purchased this book a few years ago and only got around to reading it this year. If I had known it was this good I would have read it immediately. This is a powerful book. Often, it’s not the loudest voice in the room we should be listening to, but the quiet ones. As a society, we need to place more value in the thoughts and ideas of introverts and work forces should understand how to draw out those responses without putting an introvert on the spot, which s exactly what they don’t want.

I originally got it to learn more about me. I’ve taking personality assessments where I’ve been shown to be a strong introvert, though I took one recently and am now a weak extrovert. I think that’s because I’ve adapted to work environments where before I worked in a team, I’m now more independent. What I didn’t expect, is that halfway through reading it I realized I was learning a lot about both of my parents. I had never considered my dad an introvert, but reading Quiet, made me see him in a new light.

Cain explores how extroverts came to be the ideal that someone should achieve and the role introverts play in society today. She gives many examples of quiet leadership and points to one example of how Warren Buffet prospered during the recession, while Wall Street failed. Cain also lays out of great tips on when to be an extrovert and how introverts can approach work, and how work places should accommodate for introverts in their work force. Those that follow Cain’s guidance will flourish. Highly recommended for introverts or anyone who knows one.

Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia – Chapman is the CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, a leader in the packaging, paper, and consulting industries. This book is the blue print for how companies can treat employees with humanity and respect and, coincidentally, become more profitable in the process. From the forward, written by Simon Sinek, you know it’s going to be good. Sinek has used Chapman’s company as an example of how to run a company the right way; with caring and compassion for others.

Chapman wasn’t always that kind of leader and Barry-Wehmiller wasn’t always that kind of company; a company that placed people over profit. It took a commitment to lead in a different direction and stick with it. In the end, the company culture changed. Employees were involved in decision making. Mistakes were seen as a learning experience. The company became more caring. Time clocks were gone, locks were removed from supply rooms, everyone entered through the same door to go to and leave work. And, boy did the employees respond, even the so called “bad eggs.” The so called trouble employees became the strongest proponents of the new culture, when they realized it wasn’t just talk, but it was real.

The BW Leadership Institute, was born out of a continual need for education. Chapman is not just talking about making people cared for as employees, but cared for as people. Their lives are transformed. I read story after story about people changing in every aspect of their lives with improved marriages, stronger family relationships, and becoming better parents. If you only read a few books from this list, make sure this is one of them.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth – I grew up believing that successful people where those who showed extraordinary talent and genius, then took advantage of or exploited their gift. In fact, what Duckworth’s research has shown is that talent is only part of the equation. Talent matters, but not as much as we think. It’s effort that makes the difference in whether we succeed. It’s those people that don’t give up when others do that pushes them into another realm.

Duckworth studied grit in everyone from spelling bee champs to world-class athletes to West Point cadets and has developed a grit formula. It is this – talent x effort = skill and skill x effort = success. Successful people do difficult work and spend time in deliberate practice. This contradicts the 10,000 hour rule, a little bit. It’s not that you spend hours practicing but how you spend those hours to improve your skills. One other thing to help improve your skills is to compete with those that are slightly better than you. They will up your game and you’ll improve because of it.

I wish this book had been written 30 years ago. Reading it, I reflected on my upbringing and the role talent versus grit played in my life. I was always on the talent/genius side of things. That talent and genius would be recognize and rewarded. In fact, what I’ve realized in my life, which Duckworth’s book shines a light on so brightly, is that grit is the only attribute that allows you to achieve the things in life that make you feel fulfilled. Grit is a definite must read.

Bounce: Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham and the Science of Success by Matthew Syed – Syed’s book came out a few years before Duckworth’s Grit and it falls into the same space, but Syed comes at success with a whole different perspective. He ‘s a three-time Commonwealth table tennis champion, and two-time Olympian. He draws on his own personal experience and looks at many other successful people to find out how they became so successful.

As one would guess, there are many examples of athletes used in the book, making it easy to relate to, but he also examines grand master chess players, composers, artists and students. He’s researched how they were raised, coached, and tutored. He goes back into the lives of successful people, but also looks at the science behind success. The conclusion is, success is all about mindset.

This mindset emphasizes hard work over talent. Like Duckworth, Syed has discovered that those who work the hardest at deliberate practice become the most skilled at their endeavor and end up being successful as a result. Talent again, is thrown out the window. It’s not the talented that become the dominate player in certain sports or fields of work, but it’s those who devote the most devoted hard work to their craft. Bounce is a remarkable book.

The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan – I found this book at the airport in Las Vegas. Better time management was one of my goals for 2016. This book was critically helpful in achieving my goal. This book is Pareto’s Principle, or the 80/20 rule, on steroids. Instead of breaking down tasks into smaller ones to cross off of a list, this book shows how to concentrate on only one thing at a time. We are often overwhelmed at work, and life in general, with too many distractions. This leads to watered down results, depleting energy and lack of focus.

One phrase from the book stood out for me is this, “What’s the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” It’s a focus on big picture thinking. Start there, start big. That’s the one thing you should work on to start your day. Then when that’s done, you’ll work on the next one thing. Keller argues that starting with the big thing will let the small things either fall into place or become unnecessary to do.

If you’re like me you start your day knocking off a couple of small tasks so you can cross things off your list, which makes you feel like you’re being productive. But, this only keeps you working on small goals, which lead to small and insignificant results. Multi-tasking and juggling work are myths that we need to forget if we want to achieve great things. The One Thing had an immediate impact on my work at a time when I could have easily been overwhelmed. Instead I used this book to guide me to a highly productive part of my year, which lead to great personal satisfaction and success for my organization. It is a breeze to read and the lessons can be easily applied to your life.

The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward by Kevin Cashman – I tend to take my time when making decisions and thought it was a weakness. Cashman shows that pausing to think things over before making decisions is a strength. Organization’s seek immediate answers to problems, but this could lead to dysfunctional momentum; moving forward in a direction that’s not best for the future of the organization. When we pause to think about problems allows new ideas to emerge and creativity to flourish. Moving too quickly to the “right” answer kills collaboration and innovation.

Organizations that adopt the Seven Pause Practices discussed are more innovative and, in the end, more profitable. These practices will change the culture of the organization and allow employees to grow. The Pause Principle gets at some very fundamental questions about core values of an organization. Without pausing, an organization can lose focus on why it exists. This book is for anyone who want results fast and problems solved yesterday. Read this book, try a new approach to decision making and you’ll be presently surprised at how much more effective you’ll become.

Tom Petty: A Biography by Warren Zanes – I’m a huge Tom Petty fan and thought I knew all there was to know about the man and his music. Boy, was I wrong. Zanes tells a masterful story, in part because he was given access to people in Petty’s inner circle that no one has had access to before, which allowed him to paint a complete picture of Petty like we’ve never seen before. Zanes is able to give the stories context and offer a rich account of Tom Petty’s life.

Like a lot of people who didn’t have a positive family environment to grow up in, Petty found an escape in music. Music became his world and his life’s goal was to be in a really good band and keep it together. It wasn’t easy, even after landing a record deal. Turmoil was a constant in his personal life and within the band. Every day was a fight to survive and when he cleared one hurdle another one hit him right in the face. Whether it was declaring bankruptcy, fighting with his record label, someone burning down his house, trying to keep his band together, or trying to leave a failing marriage, work was the one thing he could count on to pull him through. He wrote, recorded and toured non-stop. There was never time to take a break and appreciate his success and sadly, he doesn’t seem to have been very happy along the way. Petty’s unhappiness led to substance abuse and addiction. It’s an all too familiar rock and roll story, but his has a happy ending.

Achieving success is never an individual effort, and he had people show up at just the right time in his life to take him to the next level. I enjoyed taking a peek inside his relationships with Leon Russell, Denny Cordell, Jimmy Iovine, Dave Stewart, Jeff Lynne George Harrison and Rick Rubin. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are now in their 40th year, which is remarkable. Most importantly, he got through life with all it’s ups and downs and is finally at peace. Petty’s story is another reminder that success doesn’t make life any easier to live.

Beneath the Surface by Michael Phelps with Brian Cazeneuve – During the 2016 Olympic games in Rio I became enamored with Michael Phelps. I was watching at history being made and wondered how the best athlete the Olympics has ever seen came to be. I read something about how he practiced on Sundays when other swimmers rested that day and how that would give him and extra 52 practices a year over his competition. When I read that I had to learn more.

You’d never know it but Michael Phelps didn’t like swimming as a kid and he was afraid to get his face wet! Funny, how life turns out. This book is a great lesson in taking the talent you have and nurturing it and practicing to improve your skills. Phelps was fortunate enough to have a coach that pushed him to be the best swimmer he could. I couldn’t help think this was also a book about Bob Bowman, his coach. I don’t want to get too melodramatic, but without his coach, I doubt we’d have heard of Michael Phelps. The difference between winning a gold medal or no medal at all is sometimes hundredths of a second. That’s when you realize the practice put in makes all the difference. The drive to compete is in most of us, but the extra push from a coach at the right moment, can help give you the slight edge you need.

I didn’t know much about Michael Phelps before reading this book. This book was published in 2008, so it’s a great look into the life of someone before he became one of the greatest athletes to every grace our planet. He’s likable, honest, and humble, which I hope still defines him. I couldn’t help but feel happy for his success, knowing what’s happened since he wrote it. It would be interesting to know if his approach to training and preparation has changed since this was written.

Did any of these make it onto your list for 2016? What were some of your favorites? Here’s looking forward to another year of books that enlighten, educate, and entertain. Happy reading in 2017!

My Favorite Books of 2015

My Favorite Books of 2015

Another year has come and gone, but not before I read my way through some inspiring and thought-proving books. Did these books top 2014’s list? I don’t know, but they’re just as awesome. I delved into creativity, a biography, leadership, and marketing. I took away a lot reading these, and I’m positive you will too. Without further ado, here are my favorite books of 2015.

1) Powers of Two (Finding the Essence of Innovation in Creative Pairs) by Joshua Wolf Shenk. The most fascinating book I’ve read on creativity. I, like most people, tend to think of creativity as something that a person does in solitude with their own special gifts. This book dispels that myth.
It looks deep into what makes someone truly creative, and how someone’s best work is always done as part of a team. Many famous pairs are analyzed in this book. As a Beatles fan, I found the look into John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s partnership eye-opening; and I’ve read a ton about them. Dozens of famous creative pairs are dissected; Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Vincent and Theo Van Gogh, are just a few.
This book made me evaluate how my best work came to be. I realize my best work happened because there was a strong partnership involved, even when the act of creating something might have been done singularly, the partner was in the back of my mind, motivating me, inspiring me to do my best work. It gave me a fresh perspective on the influence of my partners and my influence on them.
If you read only one book from this list, this is my choice. Powers of Two (Finding the Essence of Innovation in Creative Pairs) is an amazing work.
2) Big Magic (Creative Living Beyond Fear) by Elizabeth Gilbert. Gilbert beautifully discusses what creativity and artistry are about, which is letting go of fear and getting over your ego and allowing what’s inside you to come out. She stresses the need to do the work. Inspiration doesn’t come like a flash of lightening, it comes to those who show up to work, every day. Therefore, creativity is a result of the habit of doing the work that needs to be done.
Gilbert also talks about letting curiosity take you where it wants to go. If you are curious about a topic, follow that curiosity. You never know where it will take you and what might come out of it. Also, the Muse has a way of helping you create things if you realize that it’s not you that’s the creator.
This book came at just the right time for me. It made me see myself as the artist I am. In recent years I seemed to have lost that notion of myself. This book got my creative juices percolating again. I’m seeing, hearing, and thinking creatively. Highly recommended.
3) Rising Strong by Brené Brown. I was inspired by her previous book, Daring Greatly, and eagerly awaited the arrival of this one in 2015. It does not disappoint. It’s kind of the next step, if you will, to Daring Greatly. If you are brave and vulnerable you’re going to get knocked down, without question. Rising Strong helps you to bounce back when that happens.
The first step is to know that you’re having a breakdown, let down, or what ever you want to call it. Then you need to figure out why you’re feeling and reacting the the way you are. Once that happens you can work through it, feel your emotions, and learn to be comfortable with discomfort. It’s not easy work, but this book equips you with the necessary tools to be able to rise strong. You may want to start with Daring Greatly if you haven’t read it, although it’s not necessary to enjoy this book.
4) Heaven and Hell (My Life in The Eagles 1974 – 2001) by Don Felder with Wendy Holden. Having enjoyed the work of The Eagles I was very interested to read this account of life in one of music’s biggest bands. What was most inspiring were the stories of Felder’s youth, and his life before he joined The Eagles. He grew up in Gainsville, Florida and came from very humble beginnings. He literally grew up in a shack his father built. Life was tough and the relationship with his father was strained, especially after he took to music.
What is interesting is how rich his musical experience was in Gainsville. He played with and became friends with Stephen Stills, the Allman Brothers, and Bernie Leadon. Leadon convinced him to move to LA and got him his gig with The Eagles, He even taught Tom Petty guitar. Like many rock and rollers there are the stories of the glamorous and not so glamorous gigs and the struggle get to the next level and make ends meet. That is until he joined The Eagles.
Once in The Eagles his life turned upside down. They became one of the biggest bands of all-time and they were constantly touring or recording to cash in on their success. What was surprising is how dysfunctional the band was even before he joined. There is a shocking amount of tension, fighting and drug use throughout and as Don Henley and Glenn Frey began to believe that they were The Eagles, things became even more strained. Things took a turned ugly when they started asking for a larger cut of the money and Felder questioned it. The ultimate betrayal was Felder’s being kicked out of The Eagles.
It’s sad to read this tale being such a fan of The Eagles’ music and I’m glad I can listen to the music with pleasure. What I most took away from the book were the lessons about Felder’s early years and how devoted he was to his craft. When you’re good doors open up to you and when you wish for fame and fortune it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
5) Joyworks by Michael Cudahy. I was first introudced to this book a few years ago through Michael Cudahy’s Ten Golden Rules on How to Run an Organization, which comes from this book. This book is as relevant today as when it was first published in 2002. It provides an inside look at the founding of Marquette Electronics and its rise as a multi-million dollar business.
Cudahy writes with great humor and I found it hard to put down. It doesn’t leave out the trials and mistakes along the way either. There are plenty of costly errors, but Cudahy looks at the lessons learned from each. He believed in treating his employees like family, and he took care of them like that. Just some examples he mentions include building a child care facility at their office, frequent employee celebrations and talent shows, generous rewards and pay, and treating employees fairly. He even eliminated time clocks at the company because he trusted the employees and reasoned that they would work harder and with more pride knowing they were trusted (he was right). The company cafeteria also offered another perk – beer and wine.
He writes sadly of how after he sold the company to GE, the company culture of Marquette Electronics was destroyed and many of the employees left shortly after the take over. I got a sense that this eats at him still. Overall, this is a fascinating look at how you can run a company by treating employees and customers decently and still make a profit. This is a must read for anyone in business and marketing.
6) Leaders Eat Last (Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t) by Simon Sinek. This book runs a similar path to Michael Cudahy’s book, with with many more examples. Simon makes the case for real leadership and how there are essentially no great leaders today. He discusses military leadership and leadership in companies that do things differently than most.
Sinek shows how when the economy changed employees became expendable, shifting what it meant to work for a company like our fathers and grandfathers knew. Companies not longer take care of their employees. Though it’s not the world we live in today, it is possible, as Sinek shows, to operate quite successfully by returning to old time values. Again, he draws on military references in showing how we can incorporate leadership principals into our own workplaces to make them places where employees feel safe and where we can work together trusting that our boss has our back, as we have his.
I love everything Simon Sinek stands for. This book is brilliant. A must read.
7) It’s Your Ship (Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy) by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff. I originally heard Captain Abrashoff on Wisconsin Public Radio a couple of yeas ago and was impressed enough to buy a copy of his book. It took me a while to get to it, but it was worth the wait. It contains a treasure trove of ideas on how to win the hearts and minds of those you lead.
Abrashoff provides real-life examples of leadership, demonstrated by his run as commander of the USS Benfold. He took over a ship with low morale and a low re-enlistment rate. During his tenure the ship became the highest ranked in the Navy’s fleet; morale and re-enlistments soared.
What struck me is how he didn’t try to radically change things, even though there was so much that needed changing. He worked within the bureaucracy and red tape to make incremental changes. Even the commander of a Navy ship has to know when to push the boundaries and when to conform. It’s a good lesson in picking the right battles.
Captain Abrashoff didn’t shake things up to make a ruckus, but enjoyed small wins, over and over, to where he built up credibility so he had leverage to push the envelope at times. One key aspect of his leadership, is giving the men and women on the ship control to make their own decisions. He told the crew, “It’s your ship.” The crew, with the control to make their own decisions, proved him right by doing the right thing. And if mistakes were made, it was a learning opportunity. Ideal reading for anyone in a leadership role.
8) Everybody Writes by Ann Handley. Something that is so easy to read shouldn’t be this helpful, should it? But, that’s exactly what this book is. Ann Handley gives practical writing advice in 74 easily digestible chapters. I found something useful in nearly every chapter. This isn’t a boring book about grammar rules. Sure, there’s some grammar discussed, but this book is about content, and we all know the importance of content in today’s world. So, not matter what type of content your’re writing whether its blog posts, annual reports, web copy, eBooks, or some other marketing copy, there’s something for you here; even if you think you’re a pretty good writer.
It was immediately noticeable that, even before I finished this book, my writing was stronger, more concise, and my word choices were smarter. My writing was impacted by reading this book and I will read this annually. If you want to take your writing up a notch, go out and buy this Everybody Writes.
9) Brandscaping by Andrew Davis. I resisted reading this book because of the awful title. It sounds like there’s hot wax and painful hair removal involved, but I heard so many great things about it, and about Andrew Davis, that I gave in and bought it. I’m glad I did because this book is brilliant.
This isn’t your typical marketing book. Davis really does break new ground with Brandscaping, and that’s saying a lot. He believes it’s vitally important for brands to ask “what if” questions. These “what if” questions make you think about marketing and branding completely differently. It could open up a world of possibilities previously off limits. It’s not enough to think about “what if” questions, but to be brave enough to implement them.
This book is a guide on how to innovate and find partners where you may not have realized they existed. It’s packed with examples on companies that have successfully brandscaped, proving that it works, not just in theory, but in the real world. If you’re a marketer this is a must read.
Did you read any of these? What were your favorite books of 2015? What are you looking forward to reading in 2016?

What Does Your Dream Job Look Like?

What Does Your Dream Job Look Like?
I read a book last year called The Longest Cocktail Party written by Richard DiLello. He’s a former employee of The Beatles, who worked at Apple from 1968 to 1970. The great thing about this book is that it was first published in 1972; shortly after The Beatles breakup. That means it was written while the memories and stories were still fresh and DiLello wasn’t influenced by time or outside sources (like his former employers).
The Longest Cocktail Party has been out of circulation for years, but was recently reprinted in 2014 with a new forward written by DiLello. If you’re a fan of The Beatles, or interested in seeing what it’s like working for superstars, I recommend picking up a copy. It’s an eye-opening read.
The Beatles have been a tremendous influence on me and I was eager to read this insider’s account. I always thought that working for The Beatles at Apple during the time that this book takes place would have been a dream job. The most innovative band in the world trying to create a business utopia – what could be better than that?
It turns out the Beatles had no clue how to run a business. That’s why Apple, the company, never achieved the success that Apple, the dream, envisioned. The Beatles envisioned a company where artists were in charge. Apple wanted to take power away from giant corporations and remove the barriers to market entry, basically remove the gatekeepers. Sounds like how the internet has shaped things, doesn’t it?
To kick things off at Apple, the Beatles placed full page ads in the New Musical Express and Rolling Stone announcing their idea and solicited unsigned signers, songwriters, artists, playwrights, and inventors to send in their work. They received thousands of song demos, scripts, books, plays and other manuscripts. People showed up daily at the Apple offices demanding time and money from the Beatles.
Apple though didn’t have the manpower to go through everything that was sent in. Artists that were signed to Apple were brought in by insiders or were pet projects of the Beatles themselves. No one was discovered from the piles of material sent in.
It was extremely clear from reading The Longest Cocktail Party that you were working for the Beatles, not with them. Only their most trusted advisers worked with them, and even then the influence they had was limited. The Beatles did what they wanted to do regardless of what anyone told them. And it was never a good idea to tell the Beatles no.
Those employees lower on the totem pole would rarely see them, and then when they did it was to fill an urgent personal request. You were to speak to them only if spoken to. They didn’t want to be bothered with with underlings.  It was considered a privilege to work for them, so they could justify paying a low wage.
The list of problems at Apple was long – everything from a lack of leadership and accountability to people being threatened by the Hell’s Angels, who had taken occupancy at Apple. It was a complete madhouse and even George Harrison commented that they had “every freak in the world” showing up at Apple.
Apple lost a lot of money on everything other than record releases and they eventually shut everything down except the record label.
After reading this account, I realize I wouldn’t have enjoyed working at Apple for The Beatles and it certainly wasn’t the dream job I thought it was. Even the best ideas (companies) get bogged down by people; even talented people with good intentions.
What does your dream job look like? Do you like the job itself or the idea of what that job represents? Are you drawn to the job title, what the work is, that you’ll be working for a cause, or because of who you think you’ll be working with? Are you missing out on a great job now thinking about greener pastures?
It’s okay to dream, I’d say it’s even essential. We all need something to look towards. Don’t be disappointed when your dream job doesn’t turn out exactly how you thought it would be. If you approach it as an opportunity to gain a unique experience you’ll enjoy the experience a lot more, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll write a book about it.


My Favorite Books of 2014

My Favorite Books of 2014After reading so many wonderful books in 2013, I wasn’t sure how 2014 was going to be able to compete, but compete it did. 2014 provided a treasure trove of insight, information, and realizations. There are some stellar pieces of work out there.

Without further ado, here are my favorite books of 2014:
80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall. One of the best books I’ve ever read on sales and marketing, period. This is not only an eye-opener, but a shock to the system. Marshall is a visionary and his ideas will change the way you see marketing and life. I’m not kidding when I say this book will literally blow your mind. He doesn’t talk theory, he talks realities, and he’s got real-life examples and proof that what he’s talking about works. If you want to achieve amazing results with your sales and marketing, read this book.
difference by Bernadette Jiwa. This book is a mere 95 pages, but don’t let that fool you. This book contains more wisdom on marketing than books three times the length. It provides some thought-provoking written exercises for you to complete. This book helps you strip away the unnecessary BS to get at the truth of what really matters. It’s a beautifully written work and a sheer delight to read. After reading difference, you’ll see marketing, and your role in it, in a different way.
QR Codes Kill Kittens by Scott Stratten. Stratten has compiled an entire book of terrible uses of QR codes and of inappropriate marketing decisions. Each example leaves you scratching your head and wondering, “what was that company thinking”. It’s a hilarious look at what’s wrong with marketing today, but it’s a great reminder of what not to do. Read it and save a kitten.
Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. Where his previous book Steal Like an Artist talked about creativity, this book delves into getting your creative work noticed. Kleon lays out how to go about this in 10 steps. Filled with examples from his own career, as well as those of other famous artists, the steps are well thought out, and best of all, do-able. Kleon writes in a way that makes you feel like the mystery behind achieving success has been lifted, which is a gift in itself.
The Promise of a Pencil by Adam Braun. An inspiring story of how a 24 year-old employed on Wall Street, found his true calling by giving. Braun was in India when he asked a young boy what he wanted more than anything in the world. He answered, “a pencil.” Braun was inspired to leave his job and work on a “purpose” instead. That purpose was the organization he started, Pencils of Promise, which has since built over 200 schools across the world. An inspiring read, and it makes you realize one person can make a difference.
Choose Yourself by James Altucher. A sometimes unconventional approach on how to live the life you want. Altucher is one person who moves to the beat of his own drum. He has wonderful insights on how to achieve what it is you want out of life and he does it with vulnerability, humility, and humor. If you want to take charge of your career, love life, and finances this is essential reading. After reading this you’ll want to get your hands on his other work, his blog, and podcast. He’s just simply one of the most fascinating people you’ll run across.
Body of Work by Pamela Slim. A great book to help you bring all the loose ties of your career together. After reading this and doing the exercises, you’ll have a greater handle on your career so you’re able to tell a compelling story of your work and your accomplishments. If you are transitioning careers or in between jobs, I highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of this as quickly as possible.
The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success by Wayne Breitbarth. There’s not many more people more knowledgeable about LinkedIn than Breitbarth. If you want to boost your visibility on LinkedIn and give yourself the advantage over everyone else, you’ll want to read this book and implement every Breitbarth suggests. It’s jam packed with helpful tips to get you to standout from the crowd and help you land your next job, win new clients, and make more sales.
Are any of these titles on your list? What were some of your favorites? Is there something you’re looking forward to reading in 2015?
Happy reading!