The Power of Thank You

The Power of Thank YouI was recently talking with a friend and my memory drifted back to a night at work from 20 years ago. I happened to be in charge of the store for 2nd shift that night. 1st shift was busy that day and they weren’t able to get any of their end of shift responsibilities done. The store was a mess. We worked our butts off that night and left the store organized and tidy.

When I came into work the next day there was a note left for me from the store manager. It simply said, “Greg, Thank you! Crystal.” I knew exactly what that meant, and so did she. She could tell how hard we worked when she came in that morning. It wasn’t fancy, but her acknowledgment had an impact. 20 years later I still remember it. I still think it’s the most genuine “thank you” I’ve ever received.
Saying “thank you” is a valuable currency that many of us don’t use enough. A well-timed “thank you” has pushed me through feeling burnt out or under appreciated. We all want to feel like our efforts matter. I do, at least. Those two words can energize and inspire. Not using them can build resentment. How do you feel after giving all you’ve got and you don’t even get so much as a “thank you?” You feel taken for granted, don’t you?
Those of us with strong work ethics will work hard regardless of the work involved, the condition, or the environment. When you hear “thank you” it just makes you feel good about your contribution. If you appreciate what someone does for you, let them know. It’s something I say to everyone who helps me. It’s one reason why I think I get along with everyone so well. I even throw a little “thank you” out to the universe to start my day just so the universe knows I am grateful.
Do you have any other ways to acknowledge those who help you? What’s the best “thank you” you’ve received?

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