Don’t Throw in the Towel

Don't Throw in the TowelOne of my relatives recently posted on Facebook that she felt like throwing in the towel and asked if other people ever felt that way. Heck, yeah, I have for sure. I would get so focused on an end result that any setback seemed like the goal was getting further and further away. But, that’s not true at all. And, more importantly, it takes away from enjoying the process to get there.
 The way I keep going, when I feel like throwing in the towel, is to look at the big picture. I look at where I want to go, the person I want to become, and I look at the next step I need to take to get there. And maybe I have to take a different path than what I thought I needed. What is this bump in the road trying to tell me? I think it through, but I don’t over analyze it. I tend to over-think things and that just prevents me from moving forward. When I need to make a decision I try to go with my gut on what to do as often as I can. It’s generally right. It’s something I’m still working on. The beauty of going with my gut is that it is such an amazing time saver! It knows what to do before my brain does.
And perhaps the biggest thing I do, or don’t do anymore, is compare myself to others and what they have achieved, or what it looks like they have achieved. I’ll never be that other person. I can only be me. I try to be the Greggest me possible. As long as I’m being true to who I am and I can be happy with that, then I know I’m doing the right thing. I’ve made the worst decisions, and been my most unhappy, when I’ve compared myself to other people. It’s a no-win situation and I don’t do that anymore.
I am definitely not throwing in the towel. I figure I’m going to need that towel to wipe the sweat off my brow from the hard work I’m going to put in to get what I want. Ah, nice fluffy towel. How do you keep going when the journey seems long or a you hit a bump in the road? How do you regain your focus?

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