When life is draining energy from you, how do you get it back? When you need to be at your best you can’t afford to let up, but sometimes that’s exactly what you need to do.
We’ve all had those days where, as soon as one item gets checked off the to-do list another pops up. You can get mentally and physically wiped out. How do you keep going when you feel like you’re about to keel over?
Here are six ways to recharge your batteries when they’re nearing empty.
1) Take a nap. A good 20-30 minute nap can do wonders. In many parts of the world, and some forward thinking companies here, this is built into the work day.
2) Go for a walk. It’s always a good idea to get some fresh air. It gets the blood circulating and you can focus on something else for a while. You’ll come back ready tackle your next challenge.
3) Read. Pick up a book and fill your head with other people’s stories, ideas, and motivational words. It could just spur some new ideas of your own.
4) Listen to music. What music makes you want to rock out to some air drums or air guitar? Put that music on. Let that music fuel your next creative burst.
5) Watch a TED talk. These insightful 20 minute nuggets of inspiration will pump you up. Be careful to watch just one. One can quickly turn into three very easily.
6) Grab a drink, or bite to eat, with someone who inspires you. There’s nothing like connecting with someone face-to-face who makes you think differently and helps elevate your game to the next level. Plan these get together as part of your week. You’ll be glad you did.
Have any of these worked for you? What else have you done to recharge your batteries? Next time you feel you’re about to nod off, find an activity to power-up and rock it the rest of the day!
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